Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Harlem and Smith Westerns

Two of my fave bands this moment; yesterdaynight @ the Paradiso in Amsterdam, live on stage. I really dig Harlem's "Hippies" album on Matador Records and the Smith Westerns have a great album out on Hozac Records. Fist on were Harlem, a 3 piece band from Austin, Texas. Nice loose garagepop, great tunes, real fun. And they had fun too. The audience, maybe 100 people, were having a great time too. Next up were the Smith Westerns, a 4 piece band from Chicago. They had a much more heavy sound, due to the loud bass. Also garagepop, but with more slower songs. The leadguitarguy was great fun to look at and to listen too, nice hooks, solo's and all. The singer was a bit arrogant/bored, I dunno, he didn't do it for me. But they cranked out some amazing tunes, so overall it was a great show. After the show I bought some vinyl; Harlem's debut lp Free Drugs ;-), and their new 7" LSD Saves/Mood Ring, both released on their own label Female Fantasy Records.
Listen to some tunes on their myspace;
Smith Westerns

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Range Rats album from '85

I'm a big fan of Fred Cole and I love everything he ever put out. From the Lollipop Shoppe to Pierced Arrows and anything in between. But I didn't know of a band before the Rats named the Range Rats. So when Mississippi Records announced the release of this in '85 recorded but never released album, I was thrilled. But I was also afraid that it would be a collector's wannahave release; once you own it you never play it. I played it more than 5 times this week and that means it's fun to listen to, for me that is ;-) It's Fred and Toody goin' country, but with the true Dead Moon drive. Great tunes, no lo-fi recording on this baby, beautiful sleeve, it ads up to a must have for all Fred & Toody lovers out there. Oh, and if you're looking for the Rats, the same label rereleased their first two albums too!

Party Platter on Florida's Dying Records

New in this week; "Party Platter" on Florida's Dying Records. A great comp. with 13 tracks about new dances. Seems oldskool, and it is, but what FUN. The cover is fun, the backside, with a cartoon for every track, is cool too. And what about the tunes? Well, it's a party platter. Featering Johnny & the Limelite, Nobunny, Sexcapades, the Rantouls, the Yolks, Personal & the Pizzas to name a few. 13 tracks to get any party started & going! For those who like the goof-punk/rnr. Me like ;-)

new Davila 666

Earlier this week my dealer emailed with a list of records, waiting to be collected. The one I was waiting for, Davila 666, was on it. So, I got them. And man, was I in for a suprise. The Davila 666 is soooo great, way better than what I expected. I love their album on In The Red Records, totally dig their 7"s on Douchemaster Records and Hozac Records, but this latest release is THEE bomb. It's on Rob's House Records who put out some of the best 7" ever; Black Lips, Carbonas, Sonic Chicken 4 and more.
Davilla 666 is a 7 piece outfit from Puerto Rico, blasting out one genius pop gem after another, so, if you put it on 12" with 5 tracks on 45rpm, that makes it perfect. Go check out their tunes on their MySpace.