Thursday, June 3, 2010

Range Rats album from '85

I'm a big fan of Fred Cole and I love everything he ever put out. From the Lollipop Shoppe to Pierced Arrows and anything in between. But I didn't know of a band before the Rats named the Range Rats. So when Mississippi Records announced the release of this in '85 recorded but never released album, I was thrilled. But I was also afraid that it would be a collector's wannahave release; once you own it you never play it. I played it more than 5 times this week and that means it's fun to listen to, for me that is ;-) It's Fred and Toody goin' country, but with the true Dead Moon drive. Great tunes, no lo-fi recording on this baby, beautiful sleeve, it ads up to a must have for all Fred & Toody lovers out there. Oh, and if you're looking for the Rats, the same label rereleased their first two albums too!

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